M. Raudales Cleaning Services

Good Employees are an Asset

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Good Employees are a Blessing.
In this day and age, finding hard-working, loyal employees is truly a blessing. During the screening process, it is difficult to ascertain whether an employee will be a good fit for a company, because, people tend to tell prospective employers what they want to hear, in order to get hired for a job. I want to highlight my wonderful employee, Kaitland, because she really goes the extra mile to go above and beyond her job duties. I hired Kaitland because she told me that she was raised with “old fashioned” values. When I inquired about these values, she explained that she was raised by her grandfather, and that she worked for his business from age 12 to 22 as a cashier. She mentioned that she was responsible for not only cashiering duties, but other duties such as cleaning the store, assisting customers, stocking shelves. She wore several hats while working at her grandfather’s convenience store, and was accustomed to hard work.
Once Kaitland started working for M. Raudales Cleaning Services, I began to see that Kaitland was an extremely hard worker, and not only that, she took pride in her cleaning job. In the job interview, Kaitland mentioned that she was a perfectionist when it came to cleaning, and as an interviewer, I took this with a grain of salt, as I have said similar things in interviews, just so I could get the job. However, Kaitland’s interview responses matched her work ethic. Finding employees like Kaitland is difficult to come by, and we really appreciate her hard work. Kaitland shows up to work every single day, and never calls out. She cleans meticulously, and is mature enough to work alone, without constant supervision, and to top it all off, she has a jovial, sweet personality. Everyone loves working with Kaitland and she is truly and asset to M. Raudales Cleaning Services.

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